Consultation for Institutions and Professional Staff

Consultation and Trainings for Institutions and Professional Teams

The accelerated development of technology in recent years has given rise to many opportunities for people with disabilities but consequently has also introduced new challenges for the professionals working in the field. We see professionals as key players in the effort to bridge the gap between the abundance of technologies available and the people with disabilities who wish to use them. As such, we conduct trainings to keep professionals updated with the latest technologies and tools in order to optimally match identified needs with appropriate solutions and facilitate successful implementation for the users.

The Technology Center provides guidance and training to professional teams interested in integrating technology into their work with clients: occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other staff members.

Available Consultation and Training Services for Professionals:

  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • 1:1 consultation to individuals


Trainings for institutions are customized according to specific needs and include:

  • Needs assessment and initial consultation (at the client’s location)
  • Familiarization with technologies and apps in various areas (communication, education, play, ADL)
  • Acquisition of tools and methods for successful implementation of technologies in a variety of settings (therapy, educational, residential, etc.)
  • Familiarization with a variety of adaptations and assistive devices
  • Acquisition of the knowledge necessary to build a customized technology implementation plan
  • Follow-up sessions and continued guidance (including telephone support as needed)


For additional details and to sign up: | +972-9-7701201

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