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Free Trials for Websites with Accessible Content for Children with Special Needs

23, March 2020

To help parents and children with special needs who are home during the COVID-19 pandemic, accessible software companies are offering extended free trials on select software.  Here are two great companies that we love and use regularly:       

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Posted in Accessibility, Apps, Assistive Technology, participation, software, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Technology Ideas for Home-Time During the Corona Outbreak

18, March 2020

Around the world, families and children find themselves at home together, separated from their friends and familiar schedules, due to the Corona virus outbreak. First, we want to let you know that the staff of The Technology Center at Beit

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Posted in Apps, Assistive Technology, Ideas for Activiies, iPads, Uncategorized, אפליקציות, טכנולוגיה מסייעת

Using and Developing Tech Solutions for Students with Disabilities – on the BETT stage in London (link to full lecture in post)

2, April 2019

In January (pretty cold for a Mediterranean girl like me) I traveled to London and presented at BETT, one of the biggest annual international conferences for technology in education. I presented on the main stage and the topic of my lecture

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Word Prediction and Dictation: An Assistive Technology Case Study

3, January 2018

In this post I’d like to share an experience I had working with A., a university student, who is currently in the first year of an undergraduate degree. A. has cerebral palsy and uses an electric wheelchair. He has impaired

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Posted in Assistive Technology, Uncategorized

Mainstream Technologies for People with Disabilities: Impressions and Highlights from David Banes’ visit to Beit Issie Shapiro

9, August 2017

This week we were honored to host David Banes at Beit Issie Shapiro. David is known internationally for his work in assistive technology (AT) and he shared with us his wealth of insight and valuable experience. David started his career

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TOM Makeathon 2017

8, February 2017

On January 8-10, 2017 makers, professionals, families and people with disabilities gathered at the Technion in Haifa, Israel for a special event called TOM: Tikkun Olam Makers – an initiative of the Reut Institute in cooperation with the ROI community

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Posted in Assistive Technology

Print Your Dream

13, November 2016

The technological advances that have occurred in 3D printing over the last few years have seen its use expand into many areas including engineering, medicine, fashion, education, rehabilitation, and more. What is 3D printing? 3D printing is a technology that

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Posted in Accessories, Assistive Technology Tagged with:

Keyguards for the iPad – our Maker success continues…

18, January 2016

A few weeks ago we told you about TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) the inspirational make-a-thon we participated in in order to create solutions for people with disabilities. Going into TOM we had our main challenges that we had signed up

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TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) – Meeting the Challenge

14, December 2015

TOM – Tikkun Olam Makers, an initiative of the Reut Institute and ROI Community of the Shusterman Foundation, whose purpose is to connect people with disabilities with people from the worlds of industry, engineering, design, technology, and rehabilitation in order

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Posted in Accessibility, Assistive Technology Tagged with: , ,

Headpod: Head Support to Promote Participation, Learning, and Motor Control

10, August 2015

I’m very happy to be a contributor this week and to share with you a wonderful tool that both facilitates and promotes function; the Headpod. The Headpod is a low-tech device that can be attached to a variety of seating/standing

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